Boat Airdopes 621 Wireless Stereo (TWS) Headphones have been launched in India. The headphones are said to provide up to 150 hours of total playtime. The company said that the headphone shell can also be used as a mobile power source, and the audio device also has features such as boAt’s IWP technology, which can achieve fast pairing. Other features include Boat Signature Sound, Bluetooth v5.0, tuned bass driver, and support for Google Assistant and Apple’s Siri voice assistant.
Boat Airdopes 621 pricing and availability
The entry price for the Boat Airdopes 621 headphones is Rs. 2,999 on Amazon and the company’s website. The headset has Active Black and White Frost colour options.
Boat Airdopes 621 specifications
The Boat Airdopes 621 headphones are said to provide a total of 150 hours of playtime. Each earbud is said to be able to provide up to 5.5 hours of battery life on a single charge and is equipped with a 35 mAh battery. There is a 2600 mAh battery in the box, which can be charged via the USB Type-C port. Boat said the case can be fully charged in 5-7 hours, and a 5-minute quick charge is said to provide an hour of battery life. In addition, the case can be used as a mobile power source and has a digital display that shows the remaining battery.