The Itel G series Android TV models launched in India range from 32 inches to 55 inches. They have four models, namely Itel G3230IE, Itel G4330IE, Itel G4334IE and Itel G5534IE. As the name suggests, Itel G3230IE is a 32-inch product, Itel G4330IE and Itel G4334IE are 43-inch products, and Itel G5534IE is 55-inch TV. They use a frameless design, 24W speakers, and a standard 60Hz refresh rate. Itel also provides a Bluetooth remote with voice control for G-series TV models.
Itel G series price in India, availability
So far, Itel has not shared prices for all models. The Itel G3230IE price is Rs. 16,999, and the Itel G4330IE price is Rs. 28,499. Starting today, they can be purchased from offline stores.
Itel G series specifications, features
The Itel G series includes four models, one 32-inch, two 43-inch, and one 55-inch. Itel G3230IE is a 32-inch (1,366×768 pixels) HDTV with a 3,000: 1 contrast ratio and a 170-degree viewing angle. It can run on Android 9. The Itel G4330IE has a 43-inch Full HD panel (1,920×1,080 pixels) and it can also run on Android 9 with 4,000: 1 contrast ratio and 170-degree viewing angle. On the other hand, Itel G4334IE is a 43-inch 4K TV (3,840×2,160 pixels) with 1300: 1 contrast ratio and 178-degree viewing angle, which can be powered by Android 10. Itel G5534IE is equipped with a 55-inch panel (3,840×2,160 pixels), which runs on Android 10 with a 1200: 1 contrast ratio and a 178-degree viewing angle. All Itel G series models adopt a frameless design with a maximum brightness of 400 nits.
To achieve connectivity, the Itel G3230IE and G4330IE get Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, two HDMI ports, one USB port, one Mini-AVI port, one Ethernet port, headphone jack, and optical output. On the other hand, Itel G4334IE and G5534IE have three HDMI ports, a Mini-AV and Mini-Ypbpr port and two USB ports, in addition to other connection options.